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ECG Essentials
Cardiology Fundamentals
Basic Cardiac Anatomy
Cardiac Mechanics
Normal Cardiac Activation and Recovery
ECG Basics
The Physics of ECGs
The ECG Leads
The ECG Paper
The Normal ECG
The P Wave
The PR Interval
The QRS Complex
The ST Segment
The T and U Waves
The TP Segment
The QT Interval
Summary of ECG Waveform
Determining Rate
Determining Axis
Rhythm Disorders
Part 1: Basic Concepts
Basic Concepts about Rhythm and Conduction
Part 2: Atrial Arrhythmias and Premature Beats
Sinus Rhythms & Arrhythmias
Premature Beats and Parasystole
Ectopic Atrial Rhythms
Atrial Macro-Reentrant Rhythms (Flutter)
Atrial Fibrillation
Intraatrial and Interatrial Conduction Delay
Part 3: Junctional Arrhythmias
Junctional Ectopic Rhythms
Dual AV Nodal Physiology and AVNRT
Accessory Tract Rhythms: AVRT and Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Atrioventricular Block
Part 4: Intraventricular Arrhythmias and Paced Rhythms
Bundle Branch Blocks and Other Intraventricular Conduction Delays
Monomorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
Paced Rhythms
Test Your Understanding of Rhythms
Structural and Metabolic Diseases
Myocardial Ischemia
Chamber Enlargement
Pericardial Disease
Drugs and Metabolic Disorders
Extracardiac Diseases and Miscellaneous
An Approach to ECG Analysis
An Overview of the Approach
Authors & Acknowledgments
ECG Essentials
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