Chamber Enlargement

This section will cover the the ECG manifestations of hypertrophy or dilation of different cardiac chambers.

This includes right, left, and biatrial enlargement, as well as right, left, and biventricular hypertrophy.  We also talk about specific variants, such as apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which presents with typical findings of 'Yamaguchi T waves'. We discuss the differential diagnosis of these findings, and when they might be normal (i.e. an athlete's heart). We describe the secondary repolarization abnormalities such as right heart and left heart strain, and how to diagnose myocardial ischemia in the context of these changes. 

We also talk about associated arrhythmias (such as atrial fibrillation with left atrial enlargement and atrial flutter with right atrial enlargement) as well as associated conduction abnormalities (such as bundle branch blocks or hemiblocks).

We will have a subsection covering the ECG manifestations of several common valvular disorders, which are heavily rooted in chamber enlargements.

Finally, we will have a subsection covering the ECG manifestations of congenital heart disease, which heavily relies on an understanding of chamber enlargement patterns as well as other more specific patterns, such as the "crochetage sign" of secundum atrial septal defect.